real men wear pink

I used to be an asshole. If you’re reading this you probably already know I’m an alter in a system (OSDD-1b) I am and will always be a work in progress.Things that matter to me: Myself, Arden and my system, security in self and interpersonally, balance and unity, freedom to express, humanity, mental health awareness (especially for men), not being my own destruction, mundane and content peace in life.

Externally sourced identity

Idk. Spiritual coping mechanism identity/sense of self things

Other selves I identify less strongly with now: Elias (TMA), Corinthian (Sandman), Hannibal (Hannibal NBC), Seiji (AnK), Greedling (FMA), Johan (Monster)I still consider these me, but it’s like looking at myself as a teenager as a fully grown adult.

Eight of cups | The Lovers | Justice

My partner

The most impactful lasting relationship I’ve experienced. We’re just two people going through life, struggling and doing our best, and thats all we need to be. We’re teammates.